Living by your Values

To live a valued life is to act in the service of what you value. You might ‘think’ you know what you value, but it’s your actions that demonstrate what really matters. Consider the phrase, ‘talk is cheap’. The meaning of this suggests that people can say they’ll do or value something, but if it’s […]

Connecting to Nature

Have you ever wondered why it feels so good to be outside amongst the trees, sipping a cup of tea in the garden or strolling along the sea-side? Environmental psychology explores the study of human wellbeing in connection to the environment. It’s the offshoot of brain science that focuses on the relationship living things have […]

Wellness Activity – Regain perspective

Pleasant memories can be a source of personal strength; but to anchor yourself too much in the past, especially when your mood is anxious or regretful, can hold you back from achieving your goals. Try this exercise to help you put your worries behind you. Find a quiet place to sit comfortably, eyes closed. Imagine […]

Creating a retreat from home

It’s not easy for many caregivers to be away from home to attend a carer retreat, so let’s explore ways to bring the retreat experience into your home environment. Think of it like a ‘staycation’. Instead of going elsewhere for the experience, you bring the feelings associated with a vacation (aka. holiday) to the place […]

“Sometimes love says no”

I’ve been reflecting on what it means to have a healthy, intimate relationship versus a toxic one. Not just the romantic kind, but also with family members and friends. The foundation of a healthy relationship entails an establishment of trust and freedom for effective communication. Without this an individual is likely to withhold from vulnerability […]

Summertime Wellness

Summer is a time of lightness, warmth and radiance. Don’t let anything dull your sparkle this summer by taking good care of you. Here are a few of simple tips to get you started: Stay hydrated We don’t often drink enough water in the summer which can affect your skin, mood and energy. Health experts commonly […]

Encouraging Independence

“I’ll do it.” “Let me deal with that.” “It’s ok, I’ve got it.” …Sound familiar? In the short term it’s often easier to provide that extra bit of help to the person you care for to save time and effort in completing a task or because you care too much. However, the more often you […]

Get To Know Yourself

The government’s response to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic have led to many new challenges for Australians providing unpaid care for family members and friends, including those most vulnerable to the virus. Many carers also have their own underlying health conditions. These challenges have led to an increase in responsibilities, less access to support […]

Do you care for YOU?

As a carer your role is to nurture another. The term nurture refers to caring and protecting (someone or something) while they grow. No matter the age of you or your care recipient, you’re always growing because you’re always evolving in your own unique way. You may not even realise you’re a ‘carer’ because it’s […]

Acceptance; Scars & All

Reaching out for support can be a difficult first step. It indicates something has taken place within you to say to yourself ‘I’m not OK… but I will be”. That’s a courageous thing to do and it confirms the development of self-awareness and attempts to make shifts in your life to create desired change. When […]