Men’s Day Out – a personal reflection
Repost with permission from Men Care Too Written by: Greg Smith MEN’S DAY OUT – 17 FEBRUARY 2018, GLENWORTH VALLEY On the drive down a winding dirt road into the valley for Men’s Day Out there was a feeling of positive but nervous energy building within. The smell of the campfire smoke had a soothing […]
Are Your Stories Transforming or Hindering You?
The act of sharing your personal stories is a cathartic form of self-expression helping to gain clarity on your circumstances, reactions and feelings. But are you becoming consumed by your stories and are they holding you back? Are you allowing yourself to be defined by your stories or are you allowing them to transform you […]
The ‘J’ Word and How it Hurts
The ‘j’ word is ‘judge’ and distances us from the ability to have compassion for self and others. I’m not here to point the finger, but I do believe that all of us a judgemental from time to time, some more than others. It can be over petty things or associated with bigger issues. We’re […]