Waiver - Family Retreat Booking Form


I understand and acknowledge that: 

  • I am participating in the retreat/family camp offered by Carer Escapes, during which I may receive information and instructions about health, emotions, carer roles and responsibilities, yoga, meditation and the emotional and psychological impacts of being a carer.
  • I may be engaging in physical activities such as bush walks, fitness classes, and swims. I recognise that these activities require physical exertion that may be strenuous and cause physical injury. As such, I am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved.
  • I understand that if I am pregnant, I will take the necessary steps to ensure my doctor and health care providers are aware that I am participating in this retreat. 
  • I assert that I am of fit health to participate in the retreat and will alert all facilitators whose sessions I participate in of any conditions, medical or otherwise that may be of concern.

I agree that:

  • I will pay due regard for the safety of other participants in all retreat activities.
  • In consideration of being permitted to participate in the retreat, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, seen or unforeseen, which I might incur as a result of participating in the retreat / family camp. This includes but is not limited to any travel and activities undertaken both within a group and as an individual, at the accommodation and using the facilities provided by Carer Escapes.
  • Carer Escapes takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the content or statements made during the retreat. Statements made are by way of general comment only and you should satisfy yourself as to their accuracy. We are not liable for any loss or damages whatsoever, incurred as a result of or relating to statements or advice communicated in the course of Carer Escapes providing a service. 
  • I voluntarily and expressly waive any and all claims, costs, suits, demands, liabilities, actions, penalties and expenses against Carer Escapes and its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors (and indemnify Carer Escapes and its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors) resulting form, or in connection with, any injury, loss or damage that may occur, to me or my property, or to any other party as a result of my actions or omissions, during the time I spend on the property or at the retreat.
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with the appropriate medical practitioner or physician prior to and regarding my participation in the retreat. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit, and I have no medical conditions (including psychological conditions) that would prevent my full and safe participation in the Carer Escape retreats.
  • I will inform Carer Escapes by email of any health-related issues that may affect me or others whilst participating in the retreat.
  • I agree that while I am on the property, and during the retreat, I will not consume any drugs (excluding prescription drugs) and/or consume alcohol before or during a retreat activity.
  • I agree that if I choose to take left over food items home at the end of the retreat, that Carer Escapes is not responsible or liable for any damages caused due to mishandling or proper refrigeration of the food.


While Carer Escapes endeavours to provide retreat participants with accurate and helpful information, any information communicated to participants is not intended to be a substitute for health and medical advice from a qualified health professional.  You should always seek the advice of a qualified health professional with any questions you have regarding you or your carer recipient’s health or medical condition (including any mental health diagnosis or psychological issue). You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of any information and advice communicated during the retreat. In signing this Liability Waiver, you agree to release Carer Escapes from any and all liability for any claims, loss, injury or damage resulting from your failure to consult professional medical advice or any consequences that arise from your reliance on any information provided by Carer Escapes or its agents, employees or subcontractors during the retreat or in connection with it.


I acknowledge and agree that all content provided by Carer Escapes, before, during and after a retreat including but not limited to materials, procedures, and information accessible through its website or distributed during the retreat or online sessions, are proprietary and confidential to Carer Escapes. Participants agree not to copy, reproduce, distribute, or utilize such content for their own financial gain or for the benefit of any third party. Participants further agree not to engage in any activity that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of Carer Escapes, including but not limited to misappropriating ideas or concepts presented during the retreat for the purpose of establishing a similar business or enterprise.


I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the meaning of this document. I understand that I am providing my complete and unconditional release of all liability against the officers, agents, subcontractors and employees of Carer Escapes to the greatest extent possible under the law of New South Wales.

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Signed by Claudia Furness
Signed On: 28/02/2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: Waiver - Family Retreat Booking Form
lock iconUnique Document ID: 89fe31a233873c0a78a51fb06217829390e99277
Timestamp Audit
26/09/2022 6:31 PM AESTWaiver - Family Retreat Booking Form Uploaded by Claudia Furness - [email protected] IP