Raising kids on LSD

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10 Weeks

Work with Charmaine du Plesiss, Cognitive Play Therapist to identify and develop positive strategies that help restore and nurture relationships within the family.

D –  is for Distracting

I –  is for Investigating Needs & Feelings

S –  is for Structuring the Environment

C  – is for Consistency

I –  is for Instructing

P –  is for Playing & Connecting

L –  is for Limits

I –  is for Ignoring

N – is for Noticing Positive Behaviour

E –  is for Excusing self or the Child

Positive Discipline Tips

  • Connect before correcting
  • Sportscast
  • Validate
  • Time-In
  • Avoid ‘no or ‘don’t’
  • Offer a hug
  • Active listening
  • Redirection
  • One-on-one-time
  • Become their inspiration
Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting our Carer Escapes!

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