Summer is a time of lightness, warmth and radiance. Don’t let anything dull your sparkle this summer by taking good care of you. Here are a few of simple tips to get you started:
- Stay hydrated
We don’t often drink enough water in the summer which can affect your skin, mood and energy. Health experts commonly recommend about 2 litres a day. The heat during summertime may also lead you to feel a little sluggish and reach for a cold sugar-packed soft drink. As a substitute, try coconut water with a pinch of Himalayan rock salt to help boost your electrolytes and eat watermelon, it’s a water-dense food and tastes delicious!
- Plan your exercise
If you’re heading outdoors for some exercise, opt for early morning or evening when the sun is not as strong. There are many health benefits of sunlight such as improving sleep and strengthening your immune system, but we all know how harsh the Aussie sun can be in the peak of summer, so choose your sun exposure wisely, especially if exercising outdoors. Keeping your body active will support you to have more energy throughout the day, you may like to try indoor activity such as Yoga. Yoga with Adrienne has an incredible new 30 day yoga journey program – it’s available on Youtube and it’s free!
- Eat fresh and feel good
Seasonal fresh produce is always best for us. Learn what’s in season and get creative with salads and lighter meals this summer. Taste has a whole range of meat-free recipes to inspire you . You don’t need to be a vegetarian to enjoy these recipes. Eating less meat supports your digestion, makes you feel lighter and helps the planet!
- Look after your body
For your skin, make sure you’re wearing plenty of sun protection and use a good moisturiser. Slathering up with coconut oil for a moisture boost before bed is a nice treat for the skin and an opportunity for you to connect with your body giving it thanks for keeping you alive – that’s worthy of appreciation! Protecting the face and eyes with a hat and sunscreen will also help reduce exhaustion from excessive sun exposure. Your eyes can get sunburned too, so take care of them, even on the overcast days.
- Do something that makes you laugh
Laughing makes us more resilient. The hormones released into the brain and body when we laugh facilitate relaxation in both areas. This helps us to let go of things we’re worried about, or at least ease their effect on our mental state. When was the last time you had a really good laugh? What were you doing? Do more of that. Other ideas include following a funny sit-com or watch a comedy film. Talk to a friend who makes you laugh. Start a joke jar and get the whole family involved. If you’re experiencing a difficult time caring for a family member who is ill or struggling with their mental health you may feel uncomfortable smiling, laughing or having a good time. Remember that laughter is the best medicine.. think of ways you can bring more joy to the experience for you and your loved one.
“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy.” – Henry Ward Beecher