To live a valued life is to act in the service of what you value. You might ‘think’ you know what you value, but it’s your actions that demonstrate what really matters.

Consider the phrase, ‘talk is cheap’. The meaning of this suggests that people can say they’ll do or value something, but if it’s not demonstrated through action, trust is lost. Without trust, a healthy relationship is not achievable.

Values are the ideas that define the way we view the world. They’re the abstract notions on which we base our judgements of what is important in life. If your behaviours are not aligned with your values, it impacts your wellbeing; you may start to feel unhappy about yourself because you’re not the person you think you are or want to be.

As an example, if you value a healthy lifestyle and your behaviours do not reflect this, you’ll start to feel unhappy. Or if you value integrity, but your workplace encourages you to participate in behaviours you consider to be unethical, job satisfaction may diminish, because the culture of the organisation is not aligned with your values.

Your values support your actions. There’s no right or wrong values, they’re different for everyone. They represent your underlying driving force and what really matters to you. When you live a life aligned with your values, you’re able to thrive through experiences you can’t control and feel successful. By simply being in a state of alignment with your values, you experience the joy of living life as a unique expression of yourself.

The power is in your hands, but without knowing your values and strengths, which are fundamentally: values in action, you might feel a little lost about the direction and purpose of your life. If you take the time to become familiar with your values and strengths, you’ll be more confident with the choices you make and its impact on your life experience.

Week 3 of the Be Well Plan is focused on values and strengths. Through self-assessment, reflection and practical activities, you’ll learn how to utilise your values and strengths to improve your wellbeing. The Be Well Plan is a 5-week mental health and wellbeing program delivered online. Enrolments open now for October 2021 commencement.

If you’re experiencing a crisis and need support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support.